Joining application
  •  Your details

  •  Kits

  •  Stylist Starter Events

  •  Payment

Can’t wait to have you as part of the Lorraine Lea family! You’re going to LOVE the benefits you get with your own Lorraine Lea Business. Just complete the form below and you will be on your way to becoming an Independent Lorraine Lea business owner!

Share what you love

You already love the product, what's easier than sharing what you love? Get everything you need to run your business from home and start earning today. Choose the option that fits your goals best.

Lorraine Lea Subscription

Choose your preferred payment option
Lorraine Lea Subscription

What do I get with my Lorraine Lea Subscription?

  • For a minimal monthly subscription fee, we take the hassle out of running your own biz.
  • We set you up with your personal website, e-newsletter, smart-tech tools and payment platforms, print &digital marketing materials, social posts, style blogs, videos, training and support.
  • We also take care of inventory and deliveries and cover the 10% of guest sales as host credit and half-price items.

Rewards & Bonus Plan

Acknowledge and consent to access and disclose personal information

On entering a business relationship with Lorraine Lea Linen Pty Ltd (Lorraine Lea) as part of our normal business practice, we offer credit to Stylists (excludes Stylepreneur) for Kit payment and Kit additions. At no stage shall Lorraine Lea Linen Pty Ltd (Lorraine Lea) be bound to provide any credit to the individuals named herein.

Lorraine Lea is required to disclose to you that they may use certain information from you and disclose such information about you to a credit reporting agency.

The information provided, used, stored and if necessary, disclosed to credit reporting agencies and/or credit references you supply includes:

  • Your identity particulars.
  • The fact that Lorraine Lea is a current credit provider to you.
  • Payments which become overdue for more than 60 days, and for which collection action has commenced.
  • Advise that payments are no longer overdue.
  • In accordance with the provisions of the relevant privacy legislation in Australia and in specified circumstances that in the opinion of Lorraine Lea that you have committed a serious credit infringement.
  • That credit approved to you by Lorraine Lea has been paid or otherwise discharged.

An email will be sent out to you letting you know the Stylist Kit Issue contents and cost for the month. Payment will automatically be deducted from your Event Profits. Stylists need to be opted-in to access/purchase Stylist Kit Issues. You may cancel your Stylist Kit Issues at anytime, just go your ‘My Account’ page on your personal website and change the setting. Style Kit Issues cannot be returned for a refund or exchange.

Your subscription will automatically renew on the one-year anniversary of opting-in.


Lorraine Lea Subscription enrolment/renewal fee is $10 monthly / $120 annually. Membership will automatically renew on the one-year anniversary of sign-up and the membership fee will automatically be deducted from your Event Profits.

